Thanks, James Mixon, for posting. The cloud cover above is rather ominous . . .
I had no idea this thread posted. The image wouldn't download, yet, here it is!
Thanks, James Mixon, for posting. The cloud cover above is rather ominous . . .
I had no idea this thread posted. The image wouldn't download, yet, here it is!
i`m just curious as to what /who i dedicated/baptized my life to in 1960 compared to who or what j.w.`s are being baptized/dedicating their life into this present day ?.
and what scenarios this could lead into ?
would my baptism still be valid ?
At first glance, I was thinking of preparatory questions between the Bible teacher and/or a congregation servant (pre-elder arrangement) before the big day.
When I was at Bethel, late '60s, early '70s, a particular use of Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot was announced to the family by Brother Knorr himself. The questions therein -- I believe this was a first -- would provide a means to determine the prospective JW's knowledge of the Bible prior to baptism. I recall his saying it would help stop ones coming in through the front door and going out the back.
So, then, having a thorough knowledge of The Truth precludes one's leaving?
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
Thanks, Diogenesister!
I believe you asked Been there a question. Did you notice the thread is 14 years old and I shamelessly piggybacked on it? Wish I had some actual sunrises.
anyone know what has happened to website?
it's still up but it looks like a shell of the site i remember back five or six year years ago.
if i am not mistaken, i think randy may have taken ill over the years.
Hi, garyneal:
Sorry not to have an answer.
It was Randy's site where I found links to this forum. He has been helpful to many, including me. He posted some of my pieces, for which I was very grateful
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
I posted the above here because I cannot post images to a new topic.
Seems an okay thread to do this, although there's not much color -- cloudscape after a storm.
good morning everyone,.
if anyone remembers, sunrises, and sunsets are my time with god.
i wish i had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise i have seen in my life.
look what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
Great read Coco. I often wondered when studying this how it happened. It had to be a whisper. Even at Gilead, all the GB insisted that their revelations come from studying the bible under the influence... (of holy spirit) and not because of a special communication. I find it interesting that the Revelation book frames it as a one sided transaction, as if they go down to Bethel every Wednesday and ruffle the drapes in the GB board room.....
In our Gilead class, we (half) jokingly wondered if it was Russell who was one of the "elders" used to communicate to the GB, considering that none of his original teachings have been retained. One of my class joked that is nickname might be "1914", since that was the only thing that's still around..... -- AllTimeJeff